Evan-Moor Grade 2 Daily 6-Trait Writing Book features 125 engaging trait-based lessons, 10 to 15 min writing lessons and 25 weeks of instruction to help students develop writing skills. This book covers 6 traits namely ideas, organization, word choice, sentence fluency, voice and conventions. Each weekly unit includes teacher lesson plan, 4 reproducible student pages and writing prompt. These lessons ideally act as teachers rubric, model many forms of writing and supports any writing program. 160 pages.
Evan-Moor Daily Academic Vocabulary Book perfect for second graders provides 36 weeks of systematic instruction to learn 95 key academic vocabulary words that they are likely to come across in multiple subject areas and in assessment instruments. Examples of the words presented in the book are collect, examine, requirement, comparison, explain, result, complete, importance, similar, direct, observe, state and more.
Evan-Moor Daily Math Practice Book for grade 2 helps to keep skills sharp with focused practice presented in standardized testing formats. Book of 112 pages comes with 36-week progressive program along with scope, sequence charts and answer keys.
Daily Reading Comprehension presents students with direct instruction and practice of the comprehension strategies and skills they need to become strong and successful readers. 150 original fiction and nonfiction passages with comprehension items help you engage students in reading, thinking about, and responding to a variety of texts. Reproducible pages, included in the teacher s edition, provide visual tools for students to help them apply reading skills to the passages they read. And because activities are presented in an exam format, students practice important test-taking skills while they strengthen comprehension.
What s new in the revised edition?
-These titles include new visual aid pages. The reproducible pages provide students with a visual tool to help them apply reading skills and strategies to daily passages.
Note: The content, including the reading passages and comprehension items, is the same.
30 weeks of instruction cover the following reading skills and strategies:
-Character and Setting
-Main Idea and Details
-Fact and Opinion
-Visual Information
-Author s Purpose
-Make Predictions
-Draw Conclusions
-Cause and Effect
-Compare and Contrast
-Nonfiction Text Features
-Fantasy vs. Reality
-Make Connections
-Determine Important Information
-Ask Questions
-Monitor Comprehension
You ll love Daily Reading Comprehension because it...
-provides students with direct instruction and practice of reading skills and strategies.
-supports struggling and reluctant readers.
-integrates easily into any language program and any classroom.
-works great for test prep.
-is correlated to current standards.