
-    结局很反转!如果还没被剧透过,务必按捺住好奇心,亲自读到最后!

-    《安德的游戏》如今已经成为一种文化,世界上所有喜爱科幻的读者都会津津乐道。这本书探讨了世界末日,探讨了人类命运,探讨了宇宙中其他文明的可能性,但更重要的是讲述了一个少年在极限困境下如何成长。直到今天,它仍然是美国青少年必读的小说。你可以认为它是美国的《新世纪福音战士》。

-    1985年首次出版后即轻松摘取了当年的“星云奖”“雨果奖”。次年,《安德的游戏》续集《死者代言人》再次夺取三冠。这在科幻文学史上是空前的。

-    2016年距离卡德在书中设想的虫族*次入侵的时间,只剩下99年。以此为契机,这本“世界末日倒计时纪念版”的全新《安德的游戏》出版了。玩家“安德·维京”邀请你重新加入游戏。




[美] 奥森·斯科特·卡德






目  录
Chapter 01 多余的孩子
Chapter 02 彼得
Chapter 03 舰队里来的格拉夫上校
Chapter 04 进入太空
Chapter 05 战斗学校的第一天
Chapter 06 巨人的饮料
Chapter 07 火蜥蜴战队
Chapter 08 野鼠战队
Chapter 09 洛克和德摩斯梯尼
Chapter 10 飞龙战队
Chapter 11 所向披靡
Chapter 12 邦佐的阴谋
Chapter 13 与华伦蒂的重逢
Chapter 14 最后的战役


This boxed set includes: Ender's Game, Ender's Shadow, Speaker for the Dead

Orson Scott Card's classic and worldwide bestselling series is the winner of the Hugo and Nebula awards!

Ender’s Game opens in the last desperate days of Earth’s war against the implacable insectoid aliens. In order to develop a secure defense against a hostile alien race's next attack, government agencies breed child geniuses and train them as soldiers.
Ender Wiggin. Brilliant. Ruthless. Cunning. A tactical and strategic master. And a child.

Ender's Shadow tells the parellel story of Bean. Bean's desperate struggle to live, and his success, brought him to the attention of the Battle School's recruiters, those people scouring the planet for leaders, tacticians, and generals to save Earth from the threat of alien invasion. Bean was sent into orbit, to the Battle School. And there he met Ender....

In the aftermath of his terrible war, Ender Wiggin disappeared, and a powerful voice arose: The Speaker for the Dead, who told the true story of the Bugger War.

Now, long years later, a second alien race has been discovered, but again the aliens' ways are strange and frightening...again, humans die. And it is only the Speaker for the Dead, who is also Ender Wiggin the Xenocide, who has the courage to confront the mystery...and the truth.

Speaker for the Dead, the second novel in Orson Scott Card's Ender Quintet, is the winner of the 1986 Nebula Award for Best Novel and the 1987 Hugo Award for Best Novel.