English (phonics, spelling, grammar, reading, writing, etc) and foreign languages
This set includes 3 Books: 1 Student Book, 1 Test Booklet and 1 Answer Key) Wordly Wise 3000®...
3 Books in the SET (Student Book, Test Booklet and Answer Key) Wordly Wise 3000® 4th Edition provides...
This set includes 3 Books: 1 Student Book, 1 Test Booklet and 1 Answer Key) Wordly Wise 3000®...
3 Books in the SET: Student Book, Test Booklet and Answer Key. Wordly Wise 3000® 4th Edition provides...
This set includes 3 Books: 1 Student Book, 1 Test Booklet and 1 Answer Key) Wordly Wise 3000®...
Product details Paperback Publisher: Educator Publishing Service (2017) ISBN-10: 0838877044 ISBN-13: 978-0838877043 Package Dimensions: 10.8 x 8.3 x...
《四五快读(全彩图升级版)(套装全8册)》是杨其铎老师独创、持续畅销的幼儿快速识字法。杨其铎女士是一位作风严谨、勇于探索、成果丰硕的早期教育专 家。身为早教专家的她在前言中指出:早读的孩子更易成功。她谈到,那些在学业竞争中能够领先的孩子,那些在知识竞赛中出口成章,能够准确无误地分析问题, 表达观点的孩子,条理是那么的清楚,逻辑是那么的缜密,语言流畅,语法正确,都得益于早期大量阅读。通过早期大量阅读、快速阅读的训练,从小成养 了阅读习惯,儿童从大量阅读中,掌握了正确的对话方式和语法关系,学到了事物的辩证逻辑关系,思维清晰、明了。是阅读造就了高水平的语言表达能力和思维能 力。这样优秀的孩子,周围人对他的评价是高的,经常被肯定的孩子,心态自然是自信而开朗。有如此能力和如此心态,在学业竞争中无疑会是轻松的佼佼者。
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